As we approach October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we are reminded of the impact that domestic violence has on individuals, families, and communities. Domestic violence is not only a personal tragedy, but a legal crisis that requires the involvement of the legal profession at every level. Each year, thousands of survivors across North Dakota face legal challenges as they seek safety, housing stability, custody of their children, and financial independence—all while navigating a complex legal system.

The Role of Legal Aid

Legal Services of North Dakota (LSND) has been at the forefront of providing civil legal assistance to survivors of intimate partner violence, offering them the support and representation they need to rebuild their lives. However, the demand for legal help far outweighs the resources we have. Many survivors face barriers to securing legal representation, especially in rural parts of the state. This is where the private bar can play a critical role.

Why Pro Bono Matters

For survivors, having legal representation can make the difference between long-term safety and continued harm. Legal professionals can assist with securing protection orders, navigating divorce and custody matters, and addressing housing or financial instability. Attorneys who take on pro bono domestic violence (DV) cases are not only supporting an individual but also helping to break the cycle of violence within families and communities.

Pro bono work is an opportunity for members of the private bar to give back in a meaningful way, using their skills to serve those who might otherwise go unrepresented. By providing legal counsel to survivors, attorneys can help create lasting change in the lives of their clients, offering them a path to safety and self-sufficiency.

National Pro Bono Week

As part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we also celebrate National Pro Bono Week, taking place from October 20-26, 2024. This week highlights the critical role that pro bono service plays in ensuring access to justice for those who cannot afford legal representation. For attorneys, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the profound impact you can have by donating your time and expertise to support survivors of domestic violence. By taking on pro bono cases, you can directly help vulnerable individuals who desperately need legal protection.

A Call to Action

During Domestic Violence Awareness Month and National Pro Bono Week, we encourage attorneys across North Dakota to consider taking on pro bono cases involving domestic violence. Your expertise is invaluable, and your willingness to volunteer your time can significantly impact the lives of survivors. LSND offers training and resources to support pro bono attorneys, ensuring that you have the tools needed to assist clients effectively. If you are interested in taking on a pro bono domestic violence case, please reach out to Jess Roscoe, Domestic Violence Attorney at Legal Services of North Dakota, at

The Importance of Raising Awareness

While the legal profession plays a pivotal role in addressing the needs of survivors, awareness of domestic violence must extend beyond the courtroom. Domestic violence affects people of all ages, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds, yet it often remains hidden behind closed doors. This October, we invite our community of legal professionals to not only offer their services but to help raise awareness about domestic violence in their circles—whether through conversations, social media, or community events, or donating to LSND. Join us in contributing to a safer, more just society.

Who Do I Contact With Additional Questions?

Seniors 60 and over Call:

Others Call:

You may apply for legal services by completing our online website application.