What Do I Do If My Utility Service is Shut Off?
A utility controlled by the Public Service Commission (PSC) may shut off service if the customer is late in paying the bill. However, the customer must receive written notice before the utility service is shut off.
Notice Requirements
The disconnect notice must:
Be sent by first class mail addressed to the customer where the utility is active.
Be delivered in person if the customer is handicapped or 65-years of age or older.
Be mailed to the nearest social service office and other appropriate service agency, if requested by the customer.
Show the amount owed.
List the number of the Public Service Commission
Advise the customer of the following rights and remedies:
– The customer‘s right, within 10 days from the date of mailing of the notice, to tell the utility the following:
-Dangerous health conditions exist
-The customer is 65 years of age or older
-HandicappedThis will delay the shut off for up to 30 days.
Tell customers that they have 10 days from the date of mailing the notice to
work out a payment plan with the utility bill. -
Tell customers that service will be disconnected if:
The bill is not paid within 10 days of the notice,
A satisfactory payment plan is not set up.

When May My Utility Service Be Shut Off?
Service may not be shut off if the customer makes arrangements for a payment plan with the utility company.
If the customer fails to pay as set out in the plan, or within the 10-day notice period, service can be shut off without further notice.
Service cannot be shut off during the weekend, Fridays, state holidays, the day before a state holiday, or after 12 noon on any day.
What If I Disagree With the Amount Owed?
If a customer disagrees with the amount of a bill for service, the customer may pay the bill, under protest to the utility, to prevent shut off, or the customer may request a formal hearing before the PSC.
To pay under protest, send the payment with a signed and dated note telling the utility company why you disagree with the amount of the bill.
The utility cannot shut off your service until a final decision has been issued by the PSC.
Note: The PSC does not regulate cooperatives.
For utility shut offs by a cooperative, contact the manager of the cooperative to negotiate settlement. If there is no satisfactory action from the manager and further action is needed, contact the Board of Directors of the cooperative.
Note: Your utility service can be shut off during the winter.
Who Do I Contact With Additional Questions?
Seniors 60 and over Call:
Others Call:
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