Task Force Legal Issues and Referrals

Legal issues for human trafficking victims often sound like a “yes” answer to one or more of the following questions:

  • Are you scared for your immigration status?
  • Do you need to make or update the custody arrangements for your children?
  • Do you feel unsafe in your marriage?
  • Do you need to break a lease to get out of an unsafe living situation?
  • Do you need an order of protection from the court for yourself or children?
  • Have you been denied housing assistance or another type of benefit?
  • Are you struggling with financial issues?

If yes, a confidential prescreen legal assessment with LSND will help identify legal issues, rights, and options so that informed decisions are made

All applications require the following information for submission and approval for the legal assessment meeting:

Section 1: Application Information

  • First and last name
  • Address
  • Mobile phone number

Section 2: Citizenship Status

  • What is your citizenship status
  • Marital status
  • Current living situation (rent, living in shelter, own home, etc.)

Section 3: Applicant Demographics

  • Race
  • Birthdate
  • Email
  • Sex
  • Are you a victim of a crime? Yes/No
  • Have you or a member of your family ever served in the military? Yes/No

Section 4: Household Information

  • Number of household members (all household members must be listed) that are children and number that are adults (including the applicant)
  • How did you hear about us?
  • Other adults in the household – list their first name, last name, date of birth, and relationship

Section 5: Opposing Parties

  • Opposing party’s first name and last name (or business name)
  • Short description of the problem

Section 6: Financial Information

  • Income information – must list all income and assets of each person in the household
  • Number of people over 18
  • Number of people under 18
  • For each income source: – type of income source (employment, alimony, child support, etc.) – frequency (how often paid) – amount for each – who earns the income
  • Asset information – for each asset: – asset type (401k, personal property, real property, cash, checking, savings, no assets, other) – amount (value – sale value in current condition) for each asset

What’s the most efficient way to schedule the prescreen assessment with LSND?

1. Contact LSND at (701) 222-2110 ext. 401 or email [email protected] with subject line “Human Trafficking Referral.”

2. A staff member will review the request and schedule a 30-minute 1-on-1 meeting with LSND to evaluate the situation.

3. Scheduling will require providing the name and active email address for a conflict check and appointment.

4. Prior to the appointment, an application for services must be completed. This can be done online at https://www.lsnd.org/ apply, by paper (see attached application), or by requesting assistance from one of LSND’s client support specialists to fill it out with the applicant. The appointment is not confirmed until the application is fully completed, submitted, and reviewed.

5. Applicant receives a confirmation email with the date, time, and location of meeting.

6. Come to your meeting (either in person, on the phone, or by video) – on time and prepared with any helpful documents.

Meetings may be held in person in a community near the applicant, over the phone, or virtually over Microsoft Teams or Zoom. If the issue is urgent or time sensitive, please provide our intake worker with any important dates or information.

Who Do I Contact With Additional Questions?

Seniors 60 and over Call:

Others Call:

You may apply for legal services by completing our online website application.