Thank you for your interest in our program, LSND will not be accepting online applications from December 16 through January 1. We will continue to accept phone applications until December 19th.  We will be closing December 23, 2024, and we will reopen on January 2, 2025.

Some hospitals and clinics in North Dakota operate a Charity Care program.

  • Under a charity care program, the medical facilities reduce the medical debt based on the patient’s financial situation. Not all medical facilities in North Dakota have charity care programs and they are not required to offer them.
  • You should contact your local medical facility to see if they provide a charity care program.

How Are Medical Bills Different From Other Bills?

According to North Dakota law, an account for medical service, except an account for medical services of a licensed nursing facility or basic care facility, does not become delinquent until ninety (90) days have passed following receipt of the billed medical services.

An account for medical services of a licensed nursing facility or basic care facility does not become delinquent until 45 days have passed following billing of the medical services.

A medical creditor collecting the allowed late payment or interest must provide the debtor with a monthly statement which must include:

  • The late payment percentage charged once the bill is delinquent
  • The unpaid balance
  • Any amount subtracted or adjusted
  • Any amount paid by the debtor
  • The amount of the late payment charge

If I’m Making Payments, Can My
Bill Be Turned Over For Collection?

Yes. Even if you are making your monthly payments on time, the creditor can still turn the bill over to a collection agency or sue you to get a judgment. If the collection agency or creditor gets a judgment, they will get at least 11.5% interest on the bill from the date the judgment was entered.

A judgment is a written court decision. It allows the creditor to try to garnish your wages or bank accounts or try to sell your property to pay the bill.

Besides Interest, Are There Any
Other Fees I Am Required To Pay?

  • Each time the sheriff serves you papers, he charges a fee. These fees are added to the judgment.
  • In addition, each time the sheriff is able to collect some money to reduce the judgment, the county gets a percentage of the money.

Who Do I Contact With Additional Questions?

Seniors 60 and over Call:

Others Call:

You may apply for legal services by completing our online website application.