Help! I am being Sued on a Debt!

Help! I am being Sued on a Debt!

If I Have a Defense, Can Anyone Help Me? A lawyer can assist in filing an answer or you can file your own answer. You can also contact LSND at 1-800- 634-5263 for advice and possible representation. What Do I Do If I’m Served With A Summons and Complaint? • If you...
Power of Attorney for a Minor Child

Power of Attorney for a Minor Child

What is a Power of Attorney for a Minor Child? • A Power of Attorney appoints a person called the Attorney in Fact to step into the shoes of the parent and make decisions for the minor child. A Power of Attorney does not create a guardianship. The Power of Attorney...
Help! Someone is trying to Garnish my wages

Help! Someone is trying to Garnish my wages

What is Garnishment? A garnishment is the withholding of your wages to pay a debt or, it is the withholding of property held by a third party, like a bank account. A creditor can only try to withhold or garnish your wages if they have a valid judgment against you. How...
Can I Get An Annulment?

Can I Get An Annulment?

What Is An Annulment? An annulment is a legal proceeding to declare that a marriage never happened. Only marriages between certain people can be annulled. Is An Annulment Right For Me? Marriages may be annulled if one of the following situations occur: 1. A spouse is...
Getting Child Support

Getting Child Support

Getting Child Support If you are on public assistance and have physical custody of your child, you will be required to do the following: • Assign your right to collect child support over to the state• Cooperate with county social services• Cooperate with the child...